Police: Person Linked to Chicago Shooting Victims May Have Been Involved

The sad story of a family tragedy in suburban Chicago has taken a new turn, police say. They believe that one of the people suspected of being involved in the shooting was actually in a relationship with someone from the family who was killed.

In September, a terrible event shocked the community when Alberto Rolon, Zoraida Bartolomei, and their two young sons were found dead in their home in Romeoville, not far from Chicago. Later, it was discovered that Nathaniel Huey Jr., a man connected to the case, also died in a car crash in Oklahoma, along with his girlfriend, Ermalinda Palomo.

Now, the police say they’ve found out that Huey and Bartolomei were in a relationship. They also believe that Palomo knew about Huey’s plan to hurt the family and may have helped plan it. They say that digital evidence shows the car traveled from where Huey and Palomo lived to the family’s home in Romeoville around the time of the murders.

The investigation into this tragic event is almost finished, according to the police. They say that Palomo knew about the plan to hurt the family and drove the car to their house where the terrible act took place.

The police say that before the incident, Palomo had been scared and had told someone she loved them. Later, they found her and Huey in a crashed car in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, Palomo didn’t survive her injuries.

Palomo’s family says she had nothing to do with the killings and that she was at home asleep when they happened. They’re upset by the police’s claims and want to know how the police found out what they’re saying.

For now, they’re not saying much more. They’re just trying to heal from the pain of losing their loved one.

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