
Title: Skier Dies Trying to Jump Over Colorado Highway

Body: A skier, who was just 21 years old, has died after attempting a dangerous stunt on a Colorado highway. The police said this sad news on Wednesday.

The accident happened on Tuesday on Highway 40 near mile post 241.5, close to Berthoud Pass Summit.

The police explained, “The skier was trying to do a risky stunt by jumping over Highway 40, but he didn’t have enough speed or distance. He landed on the highway and got hurt.” They also mentioned that the skier was wearing a helmet and other protective gear.

People nearby found the skier unconscious and not breathing. They quickly started CPR while they waited for the ambulance to arrive.

But when the ambulance came, they couldn’t save him. The coroner’s office will tell us who he was and how he died.

Because of the accident, the highway had to be closed in both directions while the police and ambulance helped.

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